
Alcoholic beverage information

name of a storehouse

Yonetsuru Sake Brewery
Takahata-cho, Higashiokitama-gun, Yamagata Pref.

brand name

Yonetsuru Choukara-junmai

specific name


Product Information

raw materials
Rice (domestic), rice koji (domestic)
Rice polishing ratio
alcoholic content
15 degrees.
sake leeway

This long-established brewery has been brewing sake for more than 300 years since the Edo period, with 12 generations of brewers in the Nii-juku area of Takahata-machi, a mountainous region in Yamagata Prefecture with the Ou Mountains in the background. During the Edo period, the brewery served as the official liquor store of the Yonezawa-Uesugi clan.

The brand name has two meanings: 'sake that conveys gratitude' and 'congratulatory and auspicious sake', and the brewery carefully produces sake in the spirit of 'Japanese brewing quality sake' to deliver 'refreshing, fresh, delicious sake with a perfect triple combination of aroma, taste and sharpness'.
The company has also been a pioneer in the cultivation of the raw material sake rice in cooperation with farmers since the 1980s.

The 'Super Spicy Junmai' is a junmai sake with a well-balanced umami with a subtly assertive, clean and crisp aftertaste that is easy to match with everyday dishes and perfect as a mid-meal sake.
In the local area, where Yonezawa beef is one of Japan's top three cuts of beef, it is the sake of choice at yakiniku restaurants as a sake that goes well with meat dishes.

Taste data for everyone.


1.What is your first scent impression?

1.What is your first scent impression?

Gorgeous sweet fragrance. 10%
Aroma of rice and malted rice 41%
Sour and fresh aroma. 26%
Mild fragrance 23%
Your Answer

2.What was the first sip of flavour?

2.What was the first sip of flavour?

sweet (voice, fragrance, etc.) 6%
slightly sweet 16%
somewhat hot 50%
spicy 27%
Your Answer

3.Recommended snacks from the brewery. Which dishes would you like to drink with?

3.Recommended snacks from the brewery. Which dishes would you like to drink with?

カツオのたたき 40%
焼鳥 29%
カキフライ 19%
焼き餃子 12%
Your Answer

4.At what temperature do you think it tastes best?

4.At what temperature do you think it tastes best?

Chill in the fridge. 77%
At room temperature. 17%
Warm it to about human skin. 5%
Hot, hot sake. 1%
Your Answer


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