
Alcoholic beverage information

name of a storehouse

Fukugao Sake Brewery
Sanjo City, Niigata Pref.

brand name

吟醸 越後五十嵐川

specific name

type of sake brewed by low temperature fermentation from white rice milled to 60%

Product Information

raw materials
Rice (domestic), rice malt (domestic), brewer's alcohol.
Rice production area, etc.
Rice (domestic), rice malt (domestic), brewer's alcohol.
Rice polishing ratio
alcoholic content
sake leeway

A refined ginjo aroma that spreads to the palate, a crisp, light and refreshing ginjo sake. It goes well with delicate Japanese dishes such as sashimi.
This year marks the 127th anniversary of the Fukukai Shuzo brewery. Under the trade name 'Usuya', the company started its brewing business in Sanjo, Niigata Prefecture. Today, it is the only brewery of its kind in the Tsubame-Sanjo area.
Fukugao was named after the delicious sake that makes you smile when you drink it. The brewery's name is a direct result of the founder's philosophy that he wanted people to become happy after drinking delicious sake.

Taste data for everyone.


1.What is your first scent impression?

1.What is your first scent impression?

Gorgeous sweet fragrance. 41%
Aroma of rice and malted rice 23%
Sour and fresh aroma. 21%
Mild fragrance 15%
Your Answer

2.What was the first sip of flavour?

2.What was the first sip of flavour?

sweet (voice, fragrance, etc.) 22%
slightly sweet 45%
somewhat hot 29%
spicy 3%
Your Answer

3.Recommended snacks from the brewery. Which dishes would you like to drink with?

3.Recommended snacks from the brewery. Which dishes would you like to drink with?

蕎麦 16%
鯛のカルパッチョ 29%
sashimi (raw sliced fish, shellfish or crustaceans) 39%
tempura 17%
Your Answer

4.At what temperature do you think it tastes best?

4.At what temperature do you think it tastes best?

Chill in the fridge. 80%
At room temperature. 17%
Warm it up a little. 3%
Heat it up hot. 0%
Your Answer


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