
Alcoholic beverage information

name of a storehouse

Rikyu Gura
Sakai-ku, Sakai City, Osaka

brand name

Sen-no-Rikyu JunmaiGinjoshu

specific name

Junmai Ginjyosu (Junmai Ginjo)

Product Information

raw materials
Rice (domestic), rice koji (domestic)
Rice polishing ratio
alcoholic content
16 degrees
sake leeway

Polished to 60% Yamada-Nishiki from the special A district of Hyogo Prefecture.
The aroma is subdued, but the palate enjoys an elegant, fresh, white wine-like fragrance.
It has a pleasantly mild, sweet and sour flavour, and is a perfect match for tempura and fried food, producing a soothing richness and umami. It is also an excellent partner for seasoned dishes with a slight sweetness, such as seafood and vegetables.

Taste data for everyone.


1.What is your first scent impression?

1.What is your first scent impression?

Gorgeous sweet fragrance. 34%
Aroma of rice and malted rice 16%
Sour and fresh aroma. 31%
Mild fragrance 19%
Your Answer

2.What was the first sip of flavour?

2.What was the first sip of flavour?

sweet (voice, fragrance, etc.) 12%
slightly sweet 58%
somewhat hot 28%
spicy 3%
Your Answer

3.Recommended snacks from the brewery. Which dishes would you like to drink with?

3.Recommended snacks from the brewery. Which dishes would you like to drink with?

天ぷら 47%
carpaccio 25%
ジャーマンポテト 12%
生ハム 16%
Your Answer

4.At what temperature do you think it tastes best?

4.At what temperature do you think it tastes best?

Chill in the fridge. 87%
At room temperature. 10%
Warm it up a little. 3%
Heat it up hot. 0%
Your Answer


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