
Alcoholic beverage information

name of a storehouse

Myoko Sake Brewery
Joetsu City, Niigata Pref.

brand name


specific name

Junmai Ginjyosu (Junmai Ginjo)

Product Information

raw materials
Rice (domestic), rice koji (domestic)
Rice production area, etc.
Rice (domestic), rice koji (domestic)
Rice polishing ratio
alcoholic content
15 degrees.
sake leeway

Founded in 1815. In the poetic climate of the Kubiki Plain, overlooking the 2454 m high Mt Myoko, known as Echigo Fuji, the brewery continues to produce unique sake with carefully selected ingredients and an ingenious brewing philosophy.
Mizuho no Kiseki is made from large grains of rice with a lustrous shine, cultivated with great care by the brewery's staff. It is a junmai ginjo sake with an excellent balance of flavour and aroma with a lustrous shine.

Taste data for everyone.


1.What is your first scent impression?

1.What is your first scent impression?

Gorgeous sweet fragrance. 30%
Aroma of rice and malted rice 29%
Sour and fresh aroma. 20%
Mild fragrance 21%
Your Answer

2.What was the first sip of flavour?

2.What was the first sip of flavour?

sweet (voice, fragrance, etc.) 20%
slightly sweet 45%
somewhat hot 30%
spicy 6%
Your Answer

3.Recommended snacks from the brewery. Which dishes would you like to drink with?

3.Recommended snacks from the brewery. Which dishes would you like to drink with?

スルメの天ぷら 16%
あじのなめろう 32%
白身魚のカルパッチョ 37%
スモークタン 15%
Your Answer

4.At what temperature do you think it tastes best?

4.At what temperature do you think it tastes best?

Chill in the fridge. 79%
At room temperature. 17%
Warm it to about human skin. 3%
Hot, hot sake. 1%
Your Answer


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