
Alcoholic beverage information

name of a storehouse

Yoyogiku Sake Brewery
Joetsu City, Niigata Pref.

brand name

Chibita-gawa Junmai-ginjo

specific name

Junmai Ginjyosu (Junmai Ginjo)

Product Information

raw materials
Rice (domestic), rice koji (domestic)
Rice production area, etc.
Rice (Niigata), rice malt (Niigata)
Rice polishing ratio
alcoholic content
sake leeway

A small brewery with a history of sake brewing dating back to the middle of the Edo period and a strong human touch. A light, umami sake brewed with rice harvested from its own rice fields. Gintagawa's "gin" stands for "examination", the rice field for the rice and the river for the water. The regionally limited special honjozo "Gintagawa" is a light, umami sake made from rice harvested in our own fields and brewed by Echigo toji Ryoichi Emura using subsoil water from the Yonesan mountain system. It can be served cold or lukewarm. It also goes very well with Joetsu's local cuisine.
Gintagawa Junmai Ginjo is made from Takananishiki rice, which is suitable for sake brewing, and brings out the full flavour of the rice. The moderate acidity enhances the taste.

It was introduced in Onino Hitoshi's manga 'First Class Architect Noriko's Design Thoughts', and President Nakazawa was impressed that the assessment was right on the mark! President Nakazawa contacted us. If you have read it, please tell us about it in the "Sake Brewery Post! to tell us about it.

Taste data for everyone.


1.What is your first scent impression?

1.What is your first scent impression?

Gorgeous sweet fragrance. 29%
Aroma of rice and malted rice 40%
Sour and fresh aroma. 22%
Mild fragrance 9%
Your Answer

2.What was the first sip of flavour?

2.What was the first sip of flavour?

sweet (voice, fragrance, etc.) 22%
slightly sweet 46%
somewhat hot 28%
spicy 4%
Your Answer



〆鯖 34%
川海老のから揚げ 31%
うに刺し 21%
もずく酢 14%
Your Answer

4.At what temperature do you think it tastes best?

4.At what temperature do you think it tastes best?

Chill in the fridge. 80%
At room temperature. 14%
Warm it to about human skin. 3%
Hot, hot sake. 3%
Your Answer


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